Kapaya Privacy Policy:

We take your privacy seriously. And we give you full control over your data.Kapaya doesn't show you ads or sell your data to anyone

Does Kapaya collect anonymous data?

When you use use the Kapaya website, we may collect some anonymous data so we can understand how people are using Kapaya, and basic facts like which browser they're using.

In what situations does Kapaya collect personal data?

If you create a Kapaya account, we will collect some personal data so we can follow your progress toward using our Application

If I create an account, what data will you collect?

We'll ask you for your few informations so you can use it to sign into Kapaya

You have full control over your data, and can set any of these details to private, or delete them at any time.

You said I have full control over my data. What does that mean, exactly?

It means that at any time, you can download all of your data in a convenient JSON format.You can also delete any of your personal data, or even delete your entire account.

When I delete my personal data from Kapaya, is it really deleted from Kapaya's servers?

Yes. When you delete personal data from Kapaya, we immediately delete it from our servers.

We make emergency backups of our database every day, and we delete each of these backups after a few days. So within a few days, your personal data won't even exist in our backups.

Who has access to my personal data?

Even though Kapaya has Team of Developers, none of those people have access to your private data.

Kapaya has a few full-time staff, some of whom work directly on our databases. They have the ability to view your private data, but only do so when providing you with technical support.

Can any other organizations access my data?

We don't sell your data to anyone. In order to provide service to you, your data does pass through some other services.

I have questions about my privacy on Kapaya.

We're happy to answer them. Email us at info@kapaya.co.tz.

How can I find out about changes?

This version of Kapaya’s privacy questions and answers took effect 2024.

Kapaya will announce the next version by email. In the meantime, Kapaya may update its contact information in these questions and answers by updating this page (https://kapaya.co.tz/privacy).may change how it announces changes in a future version of these questions and answers.

That's all, folks.
Know your privacy rights, and stay safe out there!